
Lyrics HAVOK - Intention To Deceive And Video

Lyrics And Videos HAVOK - Intention To Deceive

HAVOK - Intention To Deceive

I'll tell you what you need to hear
I'll show you what I want you to see
Incapacitating you with fear
Repeat the lies until you agree
Never mind what the facts are
I made a story that needs to sell
Journalism is an afterthought
Keep you stupid, so you will not rebel

Opposing independent thought
With the intention to deceive
Misinformation is the plot
With the intention to deceive

Your mind was an open book

Until I told you what to think
I'm gonna fill it to the brim
With lies so your mind shrinks
Submit to my train of thought
And I'll take you for a silly ride
Fit your mind into my mold
Constructed to misguide

Opposing independent thought
With the intention to deceive
Misinformation is the plot
With the intention to deceive
Force feeding lies
Open your eyes

The formula: hysteria
Followed by amnesia, gullibility, and phobia
The formula: hysteria
Followed by amnesia, gullibility, and phobia

I'll tell you what you need to hear
I'll show you what I want you to see
To make you paralyzed with fear
While I let you think your mind is free
Never mind what the facts are
I made a story that needs to sell
Journalism is an afterthought
Keep you stupid, so you will not rebel

Opposing independent thought
With the intention to deceive
Misinformation is the plot
With the intention to deceive
Force feeding lies
Open your eyes

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