
Lyrics Sienna Skies - Divided And Video

Lyrics And Videos Sienna Skies - Divided

Sienna Skies - Divided

As I listen to my brother speak of the hell inside his head
I wonder if it's in me too
And too often I’m thinking the same thing, my indecision is my own

But he proved me wrong, these words run deeper
The imperfections and differences of our skin, only mean one thing
The hell in me is the same hell in him
The dead are alive, and I can't help but sit back and wonder if something is wasted
Because you and I are fighting the fight
We are divided, we woke from a dream where we once were united
We are divided, and we’re kept awake hoping you can unite us
Ill walk through hell and back
Cold blood streaming through my eyes
Im sick of walking in circles
I’m killing myself just to prove to you I am alive
The dead are alive, and I can't help but sit back and wonder if something is wasted
Because you and I are fighting the same fight and it's time you know, I won't leave you here to die alone.

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