
follow me

Hardwell feat Jason Derulo Follow Me. the song is from Hardwell first album title United We Are, which was released on january 23rd of 2015.

Is it a sin that I want it bad?
Halfway to hell, I've made my bed
Baby give in, and we'll be gold
If I go will you follow me home?

Just like a pill, it's goin' down
Just say the word, I'll take you now
Come get me high, so I won't be low

If I go, will you follow me home?
You don't have to be alone, tonight
If I go, will you follow me home?
If I go, will you follow me home?
Baby follow me

My name on your lips, sweat on your skin
I wanna love you again and again
Don't make me wait, cause I need to know
If I go, will you follow me

Home tonight
You don't have to be alone tonight
If I go, will you follow me?

Nothing ever lasts forever
All we got is now or never
Baby we're as good as gold
Won't you follow me home?

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  • follow me Hardwell feat Jason Derulo Follow Me. the song is from Hardwell first album title United We Are, which was released on january 23rd of 2015… Read More...