Done by ear, from ham's Soundcloud. When she releases the full version, I'll update this! :)
Cross the northern starry skies
Following a trail of glimmering lights
It cannot be touched, your hands are much too far away
Yet the distant fleeting stars
Somehow were able to reach deep into my heart
As it fades far into the winter days
Night time blankets us once again
As the heavy silence falls and then
Will the memories of stars themselves be able to descend?
There are things so beautiful inside this world
And I want nothing more than to share them with you
So come on, come see them with me
Here without a single cloud in sight
Stars illuminate the world with brilliant light
With a hand extended towards the starry sky, I've been smiling so bright
That happened the very first time
When I reached to you without your hand holding mine
And when everything stopped, what had come to life was a world just for you and me
I am sure the stars have written down those memories
Share this with short URL: Get Short URLCross the northern starry skies
Following a trail of glimmering lights
It cannot be touched, your hands are much too far away
Yet the distant fleeting stars
Somehow were able to reach deep into my heart
As it fades far into the winter days
Night time blankets us once again
As the heavy silence falls and then
Will the memories of stars themselves be able to descend?
There are things so beautiful inside this world
And I want nothing more than to share them with you
So come on, come see them with me
Here without a single cloud in sight
Stars illuminate the world with brilliant light
With a hand extended towards the starry sky, I've been smiling so bright
That happened the very first time
When I reached to you without your hand holding mine
And when everything stopped, what had come to life was a world just for you and me
I am sure the stars have written down those memories