
Kagamine Rin - Karma

Music / Lyrics: CircusP and Krypt/Eyeris

I've lost my mind, the skies are crashing around me
I'm left behind, smoke obscures all that I can see

You lead me down a dark path but I'm who you blame for the aftermath
You're screaming out
You've broken me down and I am left alone here to cry
Someone, can someone, please someone save me now

You've charred my heart into ash, I've become numb to the pain
You've driven us both to crash and escape without a scratch

Now you've used up all your luck, it's time to get what you deserve
I'm holding out for karma, I'm holding out to watch you burn

Shoot me down, of course, I'm the sinful one here
But now I've found a reason to feel no fear

You lead me down a dark path but I'm who you blame for the aftermath
You're screaming out
You've broken me down and I am left alone here to cry
Someone, can someone, please someone end this now
I'm not usually the type to hold a grudge
But, you've affected me
And now, I'm nothing but rage

Give what you take, take what you give
What you've done to me, I will not forgive

Give what you take, take what you give
What you've done to me, I will not forgive

You've charred my heart into ash, I've become numb to the pain
You've driven us both to crash and escape without a scratch

Now you've used up all your luck, it's time to get what you deserve
I'm holding out for karma, I'm holding out to watch you burn

You've charred my heart into ash, I've become numb to the pain
You've driven us both to crash and escape without a scratch

Now you've used up all your luck, it's time to get what you deserve
I'm holding out for karma, I'm holding out to watch you burn.
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