
SirHamnet - Someday, My Cinderella Will Come

My phone lights up your name
Another call from you, it's always the same
Nothing new as I pick up and say
Hey, how've you been today?
Although I'm wondering if you're really okay
With these same old words from yesterday

You're quiet as you're gazing down at your feet
And so I put on the biggest smile when we meet, despite what I'm feeling
I notice at that time the sadness shining in your pretty eyes
And raise a hand to wipe away the tears you’re crying

I understand that, I understand that, there isn't a single thing I can do
To stop your tears, but I am here to comfort you through them silently
So won’t you let it all out, please don’t hold back now, I promise that you’re safe within my arms, hey now
Cinderella who lost both her shoes, someone will come to take you home very soon

I’m often wondering, if the day should come that I tell these feelings
But now is not the time, it seems
Though if you ever need someone, somewhere to keep you company
You know that you can come to me

There’s a little bounce in every step that you take
Although I pretend like everything’s still the same, like any other day
I’ve noticed that this time your smile has been especially bright
It suits the ring that’s on your tiny hand, it’s perfect for you

I understand that, I understand that, there’s isn’t a single thing I can do
But listen to you, so honest and true, as you’re telling your stories happily
So won’t you keep on talking, I’m always listening, at least for now, I want you to stay with me
You see, Cinderella who’s smiling so bright, like this, you’ll miss the pumpkin carriage home tonight

Please cry for me or please smile for me or, whatever it is, just only for me
Is there a way that I can convey the truth underneath the words I say?

Although I understand that, I understand that I shouldn’t interfere with your life this way
I beg of you, just for now, just for this moment please only look at me

Laughing or crying, angry, anything, no matter the case it is very clear to me
That you are the one in my heart, my princess, my dear Cinderella
But now the spell is broken, my words still unspoken, and you’ll go back to being a cinder girl like always
But as for your glass slipper shoes, you know I’ll always have them right here for you
I’m always here for you.
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