
About Me, Vahlia!


I'm just a blogger who likes to share her lists and lists of lyrics to others! But I get them from others, so they are not mine. However, I do type them by hand, so enjoy. Everything is in romaji, so don't worry if you can't read kanji, hiragana, or katakana! (I only type Japanese songs and sometimes Chinese/Korean/other languages . Gomenasai minna~) Also, I can do translations if needed but since I barely know any other language except Chinese it might take me a while, that is, if you asked me for it. I'll try my best either way!

My real name isn't Vahlia unfortunately, and by the way, it's pronounced "vah-lee-uh". Taken from the wonderful manga Vahlia no Hanamuko. (I love sappy stuff like that and the brothers are both ikemen kyaaa!!) Also, I can't read hiragana or katakana. Maybe a word here or there 'cause I watch so much anime, but not much. I tried learning but sometimes it's too hard 'cause I'm Chinese and I'm also learning how to read and write in that language and the Japanese language also has some Chinese chara (kanji) but it's not exactly the same meaning even though they're the same chara and I can't really multi-task when it comes to learning stuff. Phew. If I ever screw something up, please proceed to punch my guts out and go yandere on me but I know ya'll don't love me that much so 'tis alright hahahaha...sniff. But please be patient with me!

Well then, I don't have much to say about myself because I tend to be overly cautious especially on the internet cuz you don't know if there are pedos are not mhahahaha. If there's anything new in my life, I might just post it here. Look forward to updates!

10th of July 2014

Ahaha, well this is awkward. This page is on my "most popular" column. Glad to see people like to stalk me. ( ◉◞౪◟◉ ) But really, I'm glad more people are visiting my blog. Thanks to you all, and even more if you come back frequently! :)18th of July, 2014
Hello tomodachi! I won't be uploading anymore around the 24th to 4th because I'm going on vacation. (Gotta have some private time hehe) So feel free to attack me with requests cuz I'll go binge-ing on blogger when I'm back. Just a lil' heads up! -(๑☆‿ ☆#)ᕗ

4th of August, 2014
Hello! I'm back and feeling completely exhausted but I finished Strike Back with some help and I should probably sleep but oh well please enjoy and I'm sure to regret typing this when I wake tomorrow. By the way, I'm stoked that it's already been 8 months since I started this! *v*

6th of August, 2014
So I've thought about this and I've decided -I'm gonna make a new blog where I can blog. Nah, I'm joking with you guys. I'm thinking of making one post and adding to it every so often, kinda like on this 'About Me' page, but not now. Maybe next year cuz then it'll be my one year anniversary thingy-majig. Yeah. And hey, I'm so happy that Unravel, Masayume Chasing, and such attracted a lil' more attention to my blog. :) at 29,000 views and counting! I don't know how many will actually read this, but I'm just super happy people are interested in singing to the lyrics on here. I didn't write them though, haha. 

12th of August, 2014
I WROTE MY FIRST TRANSLYRICS AND GOD, IT WAS HARD. Kinda proud though eheh. I want someone to sing them, but I don't really expect anyone to. It was for one of my favorite songs, covered by Rishe. So..if someone wants to sing them, send me a link! :D

22nd of August, 2014
So I'm officially transferring my private stuff to my other blog, Fuwa Fuwa Kumosan. It's kinda weird to keep updating this page. If you're reading this and you're on that blog, you can request anything and talk about anything on that one! I'm more personal with that one, so feel free to check it out. Sayonara minna-san!

6th of August, 2015
Wow, coming back to this is pretty cool. It's almost been one year since I've been writing translyrics, eheh. Also. I talk alot. Based off these old posts that is ^. Still going to be on comebacknekosan.blogspot.com though. :D
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