So is there a meaning as time keeps on passing?
Our whole world is nothing but God's little plaything
All people existing, are they worth nothing more?
Even when death comes it all stays as before
If it's all the same whether I were to live or die
I would choose to live and die another time
If it's all the same where I am, I understand
And I'd choose to leave a part of me behind
The future before me, it's darkened and hazy
The past that's behind me, a heart forever breaking
I've had enough of all this pain
These feelings I just need to erase
If it's all the same whether I were to laugh or cry
Then I'll smile through my tears throughout this life
And no matter how hurt or scorned, I'll smile more
Laugh it off against the pain that's brushed aside
Loving all the me that's behind my name
Calls for a perfection that I can't face
All that's blurred and murky are for only the weak
Feelings in the way as they trip up my feet
So then happy, sad, or angry, all emotions have no meaning
If you can't take a stand then you'll face only pain
But even these feelings hold so much you know
There's a hidden warmth they've always held alone
Made up of faults and flaws, imperfect all
I believe that's what we call a perfect soul
Is it all the same whether I were to live or die?
To find the answer I decided to survive
And as always I'll love and hate with no differences made in fate
That's the way I'd love to live throughout my life
And that perfection you search for
That's all yours, nothing less, nothing more
Don't try to play fake, you're safe
Just this way, it's okay, it's okay
No more pain, it's okay, it's okay.
Share this with short URL: Get Short URLAll that's blurred and murky are for only the weak
Feelings in the way as they trip up my feet
So then happy, sad, or angry, all emotions have no meaning
If you can't take a stand then you'll face only pain
But even these feelings hold so much you know
There's a hidden warmth they've always held alone
Made up of faults and flaws, imperfect all
I believe that's what we call a perfect soul
Is it all the same whether I were to live or die?
To find the answer I decided to survive
And as always I'll love and hate with no differences made in fate
That's the way I'd love to live throughout my life
And that perfection you search for
That's all yours, nothing less, nothing more
Don't try to play fake, you're safe
Just this way, it's okay, it's okay
No more pain, it's okay, it's okay.