
English Translation : Oku Hanako - Tegami

The important things are hidden within the heart all the time
Sadness became a window, the light shining through became gentleness

The soundless voice wandered between thoughts
I want you to send a letter with no destination

Dear, don't cry in the middle of the journey just yet
Even if it is far away, sadness is disappearing
The smiles are returned

If there are things that can't be faced alone
This hand of mine will help, even a little
I will not change since you are here
All the encounters, all the partings
Every single one has led me to this day

Dear, don't cry if there are things to protect
Memories are disappearing to a faraway place again
The smiles are returned

I wrote to you so many times
I want you to deliver a letter one day that won't be sent

Dear, don't cry in the middle of the journey just yet
Because there are words you just want to say instead of looking back
Loved or betrayed, people also want love
Even if it is far away, sadness is disappearing
The smiles are returned.
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