
Phantogram Run Run Blood Lyrics

Phantogram Run Run Blood Lyrics
Phantogram Run Run Blood Lyrics
Way after lion's in here
There's lions in here There's lion in here
In after seas No fear
Just seems so frail there's lions in here

Way after lion's in here
There's lion's in here There's lion in here
In after seas No fear
Just seems so frail There's lions in here

Extra Extra Read all about it
You think you slow me down I highly doubt it
I own the paper boys And you're the buyer
Your world is my world now to love and die in

Does anybody need to eat
Does anybpdy need to breathe
Got you blindfolded on your knees
Run Run Run Come undone

Falling into a swarm of bees
Swallow everything you don't believe
Drink away all of your memories
Say goodbye to your memories

It's bigger than life It's bigger than love
It's bigger than us Bigger than love
It's bigger than life It's bigger than love
It's bigger than us Bigger than love

Way after lion's in here
There's lions in here There's lion in here
 In after seas No fear
Just seems so frail there's lions in here

Quicksand Quicksand
What's so surprising
Make your decision Man
Sinking ir rising

Sew up your eyedids
Now you're divided
Money for loyalty
That's how I like it

Does anybody need to eat
Does anybpdy need to breathe
Got you blindfolded on your knees
Run Run Run Come undone

Falling into a swarm of bees
Swallow everything you don't believe
Drink away all of your memories
Say goodbye to your memories

It's bigger than life It's bigger than love
It's bigger than us Bigger than love
It's bigger than life It's bigger than love
It's bigger than us Bigger than love


Falling into a swarm of bees
Swallow everything you don't believe
Drink away all of your memories
Say goodbye to your memories

It's bigger than life It's bigger than love
It's bigger than us Bigger than love
It's bigger than life It's bigger than love
It's bigger than us Bigger than love

Way after lion's in here
There's lions in here There's lion in here
 In after seas No fear
Just seems so frail there's lions in here

Way after lion's in here
There's lions in here There's lion in here
 In after seas No fear
Just seems so frail there's lions in here

See Phantogram Run Run Blood (Official Audio) below:
This video was uploaded by PhantogramVEVO on July 28, 2016
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