I have been into your now
Fighting you with your love again
Ready for this brand new start
To love, to love, to love again
Opened my gates for you
I heard you knocking my door
Nothing I've been heard before
But I ain't nobody you in
It's I want you, It's I want you
I want you to take care me
Gonna maples, gonna maples
I want you to take care me
You've got the keys to my heart
Keys to my house, keys to my heart
You've got the keys to my heart
Keys to my house, keys to my heart
(Oh yeah, you got them)
(Oh yeah, you got them)
I put my fear aside now
Letting you in my space
My heart wiil be your home
Let your love be my home
It's I want you, It's I want you
I want you to take care me
Gonna maples, gonna maples
I want you to take care me
You've got the keys to my heart
Keys to my house, keys to my heart
You've got the keys to my heart
Keys to my house, keys to my heart
(Oh yeah, you got them)
(Oh yeah, you got them)
You've got the keys to my heart
Keys to my house, keys to my heart
You've got the keys to my heart
Keys to my house, keys to my heart
(Oh yeah, you got them)
You've got the keys to my heart
Keys to my house, keys to my heart
You've got the keys to my heart
Keys to my house, keys to my heart
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You've got the keys to my heart
Keys to my house, keys to my heart
(Oh yeah, you got them)
(Oh yeah, you got them)
I put my fear aside now
Letting you in my space
My heart wiil be your home
Let your love be my home
It's I want you, It's I want you
I want you to take care me
Gonna maples, gonna maples
I want you to take care me
You've got the keys to my heart
Keys to my house, keys to my heart
You've got the keys to my heart
Keys to my house, keys to my heart
(Oh yeah, you got them)
(Oh yeah, you got them)
You've got the keys to my heart
Keys to my house, keys to my heart
You've got the keys to my heart
Keys to my house, keys to my heart
(Oh yeah, you got them)
You've got the keys to my heart
Keys to my house, keys to my heart
You've got the keys to my heart
Keys to my house, keys to my heart