
MEGH NEEL LYRICS - Niloy Alamgir, Anika Kabir Shokh - Lyrics Mania

MEGH NEEL LYRICS - Niloy Alamgir, Anika Kabir Shokh

Megh Neel, Niloy, Shokh
Megh Neel Lyrics: The song is sung by Amid Hossain Chowdhury and Swarna composed by Sajid Sarker and features by Anika Kabir Shakh & Niloy Alamgir

Singers: Amid Hossain Chowdhury and Swarna
Music: Sajid Sarker
Lyrics: Anwar Hossain AdOr
Starring: Niloy Alamgir & Anika Kabir Shokh
Music Label: NutterQuib Entertainment

Megh Neel Lyrics

Kotobaar ei hridoy
Tomate dubhe roy
Hariye bohudur chaiche shomoy

Kotobaar ei hridoy
Tomate dubhe roy
Hariye bohudur chaiche shomoy

Megh Nil song lyrics will be added very soon.

Megh Neel Mp3 Song By Niloy & Shokh

Note: this Blog does not provide a download link and a guitar chord song MEGH NEEL LYRICS - Niloy Alamgir, Anika Kabir Shokh. This blog only provides a recent song info and lyrics collection. All songs and lyrics are copyright of the respective owners.
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