
FlyByVictory x Froggie - A Fake, Fake Psychotropic

My patience is just wearing out, wow
As the days start passing me now
My brain's always swirling, whirling, as the years go by
And absolutely nothing, I can get done

Even though people have helped me out sometimes
As the hour hand spins so do my eyes
Hey, I’ve lost myself all to praise 'n admiration
I’ve gone, messed it up big time

Ah, if there could only be
Just one more of me, that’d be okay to see, now
Shall I erase the quandary at all?
The problem you just couldn’t solve?

Faking, faking, an imitation
Wait a sec, now, just what the heck is this, I see
Revolution, new situation
Oh, happy, happy, happy with escalation

Faking, faking, an imitation
A substitution, better solution
Feeling sort of an impulsion
Oh, laughing, laughing, laughing with high elation

My dear god, I’m so sorry for cheating you

The ability to do as you please
Taking a vacation, year long of easy
Just leave it all to me, solved automatically
Oh ah, today has clear skies, I see

Let’s go together, all problems, we can meet
I’ll be your tools, your hands and your feet
The future that is best, accepted premises
Isn’t that kind of cliché, nonsense

Popular kid that everyone likes
The shining one that’s bathed in spotlight
Hey, who was the person that was liked the most?
Wait, wasn’t that supposed to be me?

Faking, faking, an imitation
Wait a sec, now, just who the heck is this, I see
Brand new person, identification?
Oh, right here, right here, right here, no explanation

Faking, faking, an imitation
Why are you here, a belonging invasion
Try to be me, life abduction
Oh, you look really like me, there’s no distinction

My dear god, I’m so sorry for cheating you

The price of obtaining another me
Is the future, future, future is thrown away, see?
Just realize who is real now, already
Wait, I'm right here, how could this be?

Faking, faking, an imitation
Wait a sec, now, just what the heck is this, I see
Broken reason, a revelation
Oh, scary, scary, scary, no termination

Faking, faking, an imitation
Second person, fourteenth version, just laugh
There’s no you right, a declaration
Oh, must I repent, repent, no affirmation

As a fake, I’m always in a struggle
As a fake, I falter and I fumble

My dear god, I’m so sorry I cheated you.
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